The First Quarter Moon is Wednesday, June 8. Five bright planets are visible in a line in the morning sky by mid-week. Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter is climbing higher in the sky leaving Mars and Venus behind. Uranus is a binocular object and is approached by Venus. Mercury is low in the morning twilight.
The First Quarter Moon is Wednesday, June 8. The Moon is at apogee, when it is furthest from the Earth, on June 2.
Morning sky on Saturday June 4 as seen from Adelaide at 6:17 am ACST (690 minutes before sunrise). Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury form a line (Uranus, Neptune and the Asteroid Vesta are in the line too, but all need at least binoculars to see) .
The insets show the telescopic appearance of the planets at this time.
Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at the equivalent local time (60 minutes before sunrise, click to embiggen).
Whole sky on Saturday, June 4, 18:41 ACST, 90 minutes after sunset (click
to embiggen). Orion can be seen just above the western horizon. As Orion
sinks Scorpius rises above the Eastern horizon. Between the bright star
Canopus and the Southern Cross are a wealth of binocular objects to
in Australia will see a similar view at the equivalent time (90 minutes after sunset).
Mercury is low in the morning twilight.
Venus is lowering in the morning twilight.
Mars forms a line with Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Mars leaves behind Jupiter.
Jupiter climbs higher in the morning twilight below Saturn and above Mars.
Saturn climbs away from Mars, Jupiter, and Venus.
Labels: weekly sky